Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank you Lord for Skills...

Psalm 138:8

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands."

Exodus 31:6

"Also I have given skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you: "

I read both of these passages, while reading through the Bible, not knowing that they go hand in hand. I am beginning to think my favorite Book in the Bible is Exodus. I absolutely am intrigued with Moses. He had such a intimate relationship with God. If you can take time, start on chapter 1. Moses felt unfit for the task prepared for him. He even asked God, who do I say that you are?, God told Moses, "I Am, Who I Am". I just love that. God has given us all talents, not by the works of what we do, but he has given us all skills, he has prepared a way, a purpose for those that love him. Sometimes, I think to myself, why am I doing the job that I am doing, dealing with people is hard, but then I know I am doing what God has led me to at this time. Too many doors and opportunities open for me. I am humbled each day in my study and prayer time. I truly thank God numerous times a day for everything going on during that day. It is only in thanks that I can get through the tough times. Maybe today is a hard day for you, turn it over to God, but in return, just do the next thing, just get through today doing your part. You do what you can do, and let God do what you cannot do. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lorri - God has given you valuable insight into His word - how it relates to our every day lives. Thank you, once again, for sharing your heart, and in so doing, speaking to mine.



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