Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy...

I called daddy this morning, he told me he was "three score and nine" today!.... Lol
Big 69, almost,  drum roll "70"... Of course when he turns 70, I will be, hush, "50"...
But on a more serious note, I sure love my daddy, I am not quite sure what I would do without him.  He is my constant, surely, encourager.  I often think after I talk to him, uhhhhh, I didn't even ask about him, I am usually centering on myself, which I do not like to do.  My daddy can turn circles around me, always busy, never complains, doesn't mope around, and he cherishes my mother.  There are not many men around that can compare to him.  I thank God that I have a father that loves me, I love you Daddy and we will celebrate your birthday together tomorrow!
Hopefully, I will have more pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet Lorri! I saw your daddy give you a big hug yesterday in church, and thought "he loves her so", and your post is a testament of your love and respect for him. Thanks for sharing.



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