I read this passage this morning,
Luke 18:1-8
"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up".
There was a woman who kept bugging an unjust judge about getting justice. She kept bothering him to the point that he gave in and granted her the justice. Jesus said, listen to what the unjust judge says, will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, ones that cry to him day and night? Is there anyone that has this kind of faith? If we can bug others for what we need then we should keep praying and asking, knowing that God will do what is best for us, don't give up! I am talking to myself right now, while praying this morning, I was thinking, I keep praying for the same things, same people, same situations, yet I see no answers. All the while, knowing, that I have to continue, that I can't give up! Then.....
This afternoon, I received an email from my Aunt, it was about Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was walking up the mountain, in FAITH, to sacrfice his son Isaac. God provided a ram in Isaac's place.
The sentence below caught my attention,
"Quietly. Out of sight. On the other side of the mountain. Something else was putting one foot in front of the other. Only Abraham couldn't see it."
Wow, Abraham could not see it, but God had a plan. If I can just remember that when things do not go my way. If I remember that in Faith, if I put one foot in front of another, if I just do the next thing, if I keep praying for the same situations, even when I do not have answers, THEN I am doing what God wants me to do. I am acting in Faith. Things happen when Faith is in place.
Think about this one Daddy, in your situation last week that did not go as planned, Quietly, out of sight, God has something else putting one foot in front of the other. You cannot see it, but you will one day.
Faith, yes, faith, as small as a mustard seed, do I have that kind of faith? Faith, that I can be happy, that I am content, that I believe it is the best for me, whatever the outcome will be. Abraham did!