I thought this story was appropriate, it being my birthday and all! :)
"The Gift" by Debbie Warnock-she is the artist of the painting above! Debbie explains the painting below,
"My husband, Chuck, and I are the astonished bluebirds. We have been walking along the barely visible yellow road for a while now and are beginning to get a little tired. Just as our dreams are looking out of reach, we come to a big red gift in the road. The beautiful gift is for us! The top flies open and all the colorful rainbow gifts from God start dancing merrily out of the box! We are reminded of that first rainbow and how God always keeps his promises. An angel points to the sky and we are amazed as Jesus, dressed in a bright green suit and red shoes, floats down from heaven to join in the celebration! All is well! Thank you, God!"
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