Everyone remembers this movie........I felt this way today......I had some very independent women with me today. My mother, 3 aunts, 1 uncle and 1 cousin. "She Wood" comes from this side of the family (10 children on my mothers side)........independent women......they just may say anything and they speak their minds. Two of them today have "canes"....yes, canes, and I would not put it past them to use them, if need be.

It is so much fun to be around all of these wonderful women.....today,
Ruthye, one of my aunts, is turning into a parking lot, and of course, is trying to beat a car, and one of my other aunts, Lynn, says,
"Hold er Newt, she's a headin' fer the pea patch"......oh my, that is one of those good sayings....one of those old sayings.......love 'em.
We had a relaxing day, first to the farmer's market downtown Dallas, then to a patio, Mexican lunch .....great weather, and then to the Home Store...........just a plethora of any and all things..... and then, mother and I headed home . Mother and I have a tradition, we always get a chocolate shake and french fries for the ride home. Did I say this was a Fabulous day? ummmmm
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