I picked Layton up from daycare today. I told him we needed to go get the car washed. We pulled into the car wash on Broadway and Grande, and Layton loved walking down the hallway watching the car move along the track. He could not figure out, how it was driving by itself. :) Anyway, I went and sat down in the waiting area and he walked over to the doors leading outside and just stood there watching the men drying the cars. I looked up and he had his "tongue" on the plate glass door, going back and forth, back and forth.....on that, omg, dirty, germ infested, licked, nasty, God forbidden door. I almost had a silent coronary... I patiently, removed him from the situation and told him he might really, really, really get sick from that lick. I have to laugh now!
Lauren if you are reading this, so sorry... yuck, gross, omg, yuck! I suppose he will survive. If I had had a bottle of windex, I would have sprayed him! (get it?, Big Fat Greek Wedding movie, the father sprayed everyone and thing with windex, a cure all).
Love this little rugrat though!
Love this Layton blog! PAB! So funny!!