Seriously, let me see if I can put in words how I feel about my daddy...
Isaiah 30:21, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
I can hear my daddy telling me " just do right. Till the stars fall out of the Heavens, just do right." That brought on a new meaning to me Friday as I was listening to David Jeremiah on the way home from Branson. He was describing the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Bingo, Jesus is the sign! The day Jesus comes back, picture this:
The sun will not shine,
The moon will not shine,
The stars will fall out of the Heavens
There will be complete darkness, can you imagine? I cannot. We do not know that kind of dark. Do you think this will get the attention of all mankind? I bet it does, the Bible says men will run and try to hide... they will see Jesus, they will want to hide from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! You would think men would bow down and worship HIM but some will not. (Matthew 24, Rev 6)
There will be complete darkness, can you imagine? I cannot. We do not know that kind of dark. Do you think this will get the attention of all mankind? I bet it does, the Bible says men will run and try to hide... they will see Jesus, they will want to hide from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! You would think men would bow down and worship HIM but some will not. (Matthew 24, Rev 6)
Back to my point, Do right till the stars fall from the Heavens, this is what my daddy tells me, and I just now understand what it means. Do right, no matter what, because "the one that stands firm till the end, will be saved". The end, what is the end, Heaven, Jesus coming back for me. We can all endure hardship, if we keep our focus on what truly matters.
So what does my daddy mean to me,
He is Strength, he never slows down, he never sits, he works till the end of the day, he is not lazy. He does not whine, he endures pain, he has had numerous hard surgeries, and has come out on the other side, strong. I don't think I could keep up with him everyday.
He taught me to finish, he taught me that I can do anything, if I work hard and put my mind to it. He taught me entreprenurship, ownership and the importance. He taught me how to save money, he taught me loyalty, he taught me ethics and taught me the Golden rule. He taught me that women are not inferior to men. He taught me the word of God, he took me to church, because of my rearing, as a preacher's kid, I was saved when I was 14 at a revival where he was the evangelist. Growing up in a truck, travelling, I thought I was missing out, but because of this stage in my life, 8th - 11th grade, I learned to self teach myself. Today, I can credit most of my success from knowing how to self teach myself in so many areas.
He loves me, my sister and brother. He loves my mother and only my mother - a love I will probably never understand.
He has been there for me, always. When my world has fallen apart, let's see, I can count several, he is the one I run to. He does not judge me, which I find almost impossible to do with my own child. How does he do that? He picks up the pieces. He is my Rock!
So, some of my favorites about my dad,
I love it when he calls me on the phone, I love it when he drops by my office, in fact, he just did this last week and stayed for two hours. What do we talk about, good grief, I don't know, but I am sure he listens to me more than I listen to him. I love it when we go to Taco Bell (yes, people fear when we meet there for lunch), and decide to buy a property together. I love to see him on his tractor in the pasture, I love to cut hay with him, I love to see him pass to and from in his truck numerous times during the day. I absolutely love to see him riding Bar K. I love to see him and mother laugh, I love to see them hug and I love it when he kisses the top of her hand each Sunday when the church service ends.
I am sure I have forgotten things, and if I have I will write about them later.
Happy Father's Day Daddy,
I love you!
Tears flowing...Lorri, you are a blessing to your Daddy...and your Mama! Love you...
ReplyDeleteLarry is more than a father to Lorri, Lance & Laney...he is a father to the entire family. He is the type of father every man...EVERY MAN should strive to be (yet I doubt anyone could ever become)!
ReplyDeleteTo Larry - Happy Father's Day! You are loved more than you'll ever know!