Attached are three of the pictures from the awards ceremony Friday before last. This award is called the "Dorothy Fay & Jack White Endowed Chair for Teaching Excellence." It is given based on nominations from fellow faculty members and includes a rather lengthy process of documentation, student evaluations of the professor, letters of recommendation, both in-class & out of class activities that go above & beyond the normal classroom requirements.
I am so proud of him...pictured above is Dr. Mike Metke, TJC college president, presenting the award to Jason!

Okay, this is Jason and I after he received the award. Jason made all the women cry because he choked up after the award and could not speak. It is not very often, that this man is speechless. Nevertheless, I do not like this picture of me, but it is what it is! Get over it, huh... I was there! :)
Lorri - I did not know Jason is an old softy! Good for him. Congratulation Jason - on your award. So proud for you!