This post is mostly for me to remember what I know and think I understand about this whole FREON vs PURON on A/C units. This will cross my paths frequently in my real estate career in the next few years.
Today, our compressor at home went out. Failed, blew up, Gone...it is only 7 years old. UGH!
Called out Coy Dodd Air Conditioning -verdict, fix the compressor for $1885-1 yr warranty, or replace with a Freon new compressor for $2934 with a 10 yr warranty. We are purchasing!
If you do not know yet, as of January 2010, FREON R-22 units are no longer being manufactured. (You can no longer get any Carrier or American Stanadard units). The new PURON units will be available. Lucky me, there are still a few FREON R-22 units available, but due to supply and demand the price has gone up.
Since we can purchase the FREON R-22 unit for the outside compressor unit, the inside air handler-blower unit will work fine. If in the next 10 years (Jan 1, 2020 Freon will not be manufactured) our inside air handler-blower unit fails, a new PURON air handler-blower unit will adapt via a valve with the FREON compressor outside.
Confused yet? Well, here is the kicker. If time goes on and your compressor -outside fails, and your have to purchase the new PURON unit, the inside air handler/blower-Freon will not work with the PURON compressor. So in that event, you will have to purchase both units. Costly!
So, in this case, I am Thankful that my outside unit went out first, and that there are FREON units still available. I asked Jason how fun was that $3000 we spent today!
Hey Y'all, you better start saving, because this is another government clean air cost for alot of us! Get ready and be prepared! Your time will come...hehehe...
If you want to read more, click here:
I stand to be corrected on any of this information-my disclaimer. I am sure I will be learning more and especially this week as I go through the process.
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