Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Faith...

As I was studying this morning, God showed up ~ he spoke to me in all I read this morning.
Joyce Meyer in her devotional, wrote,
"But for faith to work, we have to release our faith and the way we release it is to go in obedience. We have to go with our dreams despite all the "what ifs" and the doubts from the enemy. When we make our step, God shows up."
Genesis 12:1

Skipping over to Hebrews 11, reminding you that I am reading through the Bible, and this is no coincidence that I am reading this chapter today. The title of Hebrews 11 is "Faith". With tears streaming down my face this morning, this is how each verse begins,
"By Faith God formed, by faith Abel, by faith Enoch, by faith Noah, by faith Abraham, by faith Issac, by faith Jacob, by faith Joseph, by faith Moses, and on and on. Verse 39, "These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect".
To sum this all up today, I read Psalm 138, no coincidence,
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me".
I am absolutely overwhelmed with God's love for me today. Read Psalm 136, over and over and over, God says, "His love endures forever".

My prayer today, is that God lead me, work through me, shine through me. I give it to you, Lord. Amen!


  1. Lorri - I am so thankful that you felt and expressed to others - in such a powerful and moving way - the love of God for you this morning. Thank you for sharing. Love you. Praying for you.

  2. Lorri,why did you ruin my mascara this morning...I love you so much and am so proud of your testimony..the Word says."People insulted Christ,but He did not insult them in return. Christ suffered,but He did not threaten. He let God,the One who judges rightly, take care of Him." I Peter 2:23..when He showed up this morning He said..trust me,I will take care of you.. SHINE ON!! love..Mom



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