Today's Verse: Deuteronomy 6:5
"Love the LORD your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul and
with all your strength."
When I think about this verse, I think about how I "love" Lauren and Layton. No one has to talk me into loving them with ALL my heart, soul and strength. My love for them is unconditional, and comes naturally. I love them so much that I tell everyone about them, I talk to them daily, I long for the time that we spend together.
"Love the LORD your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul and
with all your strength."
When I think about this verse, I think about how I "love" Lauren and Layton. No one has to talk me into loving them with ALL my heart, soul and strength. My love for them is unconditional, and comes naturally. I love them so much that I tell everyone about them, I talk to them daily, I long for the time that we spend together.
How much does God want us to be the same way? I know how I feel when Lauren calls, texts, emails, and say's MOMMA... I know how I feel when Layton says, "What doin' LaLa?"...omg I just melt. I bet God feels the same way, but so much more. We were made in his likeness and for his enjoyment! hmmmm
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