This quote is from Max Lucado, and it made me really think,
"As long as Jesus is one of many options he is no option. As long as you can take him or leave him you might as well leave, because he will not be taken half heartedly."
I began to think about this in my business of real estate. When you write a contract to purchase a property you have what is called an "Option Period". In a nutshell, you can terminate or opt out of this contract for any reason during a specified time period. Frankly speaking, you are not 100% committed to this property. In contrast, we do not have an option period with God. God wants us to be committed to him 100%. If you don't agree with me, just read this verse below... ha, told you!
Deuteronomy 6:5
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."
PS In the picture above, you will find my surely bird...
I read the same devotional from Max Lucado. Loved it!