Well, finally home. I can blog now! It is so hard for me to blog on the road. I attended the Texas Association of Realtors convention in San Antonio. My hat is off to anyone that travels for work, omg, I am glad to be home. As soon as I got home, I had to see Layton. We were in my bed last night, I think this is becoming a ritual, bible story, then he sleeps beside me on a pallet. He kept begging me to read the treasure story. I finally found the lost page in the storybook, and I began to read. It was about a "pearl". I thought to myself, Layton doesn't understand this story. But I kept reading.

Go for the Pearl! I laughed. Coincidence? Nope.
Go for the Pearl! Nothing satisfies but Jesus! Nothing matters but Jesus! Sell out for Jesus!
What does this take?
Lock - Does your TV or Internet need a lock on specific channels?
Limit - Do you need to limit addicting substances? Could be food, sugar, alcohol, you get the drift.
Leave - Somethings in your life, you need to completely rid yourself of.... hmmmm
Oh my, what a message!
I always feel like when I travel, my life gets "off". I eat more, I exercise less, I read my Bible less, and I pray in spurts! Forgiveness I need, Forgiveness I have received!
All I need is Jesus, nothing else can satisfy.... right?
Go for the Pearl!
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