Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Romans 4:20-21
"yet he did not waiver through unbelief regarding the promise of God,
but was strengthened in his faith
and gave glory to God,
being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he promised."

Yep that's  Abraham... one old man, one faith, one God,  I want to meet him one day.  Abraham was old, no children, yet God promised he would have descendants as numerous as the stars and sands on the seashore... yea, wonder what Abraham was thinking?  I wonder if he thought "sure God?"...
"Strengthened in his faith"... really? how does that happen.  Well, for me, problems, struggles, living with consequences, brings me closer to God, strengthening my faith.  Then when faith is strengthened, that's where glory to God peeks around the corner.  Faith, thankfulness, praise to God in everything.  I bet Abraham was there, he had problems, consequences from wrong decisions, yet his faith was strengthened.  Look at that last sentence,   Abraham  was persuaded, he was Convinced that God had the power to do what he promised. He was convinced... he did not allow disbelief to cloud his thinking.  God did as he promised.  Issac was born and the story goes on. 

I am convinced that God sent his Son, born of a virgin, sinless life, sentenced to death for no reason by man, to die a brutal death, for me, for you, for all of our sins,  was buried, resurrected, and is coming back for me one day.   I am convinced,
Jesus last words, Revelation 22:20 "Yes I am coming soon".

Are you convinced?  His gift of eternal life is "FREE"... it begins with "belief".

Have you ever wondered why something so simple can be so difficult?  It would be harder for me to not believe than to believe.  It is hard, because no one wants to relinquish control.  God wants us to "freely" on our own accord, accept is "free" gift. 

Belief + Acceptance of his free gift = Eternal Life         B + A = E

By the way, if you are not convinced, don't let me convince you, read the Bible, and there is no doubt in my mind, that you will not be convinced.  Try it, you'll like it, (can't remember what that commercial slogan is from)?  dates me huh?

I love the Lord, Surely!

1 comment:

  1. And I surely love you and everything you write..can you even imagine what it means to your Dad and me to see you grow in your faith and your gift of putting it into words..I think you do



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