There is an all loving Creator who is sovereign. This is a big word with bigger meaning: all powerful. He had the choice to concoct you in His mind. He had the option to create you. He had the wherewithal to call you by name. He didn't have to.

Nah, I know how that one turns out.
Depression and doubts are her go-to's instead of Me.
Guys are allowed to violate her body.
Her marriage falls apart.
Her relationship with her parents isn't good.
Her kids can't stand her.
She's frumpy.
She's not worthy of My time or talent.
She's not lovable.
But He didn't. No.
Instead, He said, I know how that one turns out.
She trusts me despite her teetering emotions and difficult circumstances.
She redeems her past to inspire purity in young girls.
She encourages and invests in other's marriages.
It's My delight to be her Father and call her My daughter.
Her knees hit the ground in fervent prayer for her children.
She's beautiful.
She's worthy of my Son's life and death.
She's so lovable, I call her Mine and nothing she does—nothing that happens to her—can take My love from her.
I don't know why you don't feel you're lovable. Or what lies come trying to convince you that your past, your actions, your shame, your guilt disqualifies you from love.
What I do know is this: you are worthy of love. You are loveable. And you are qualified as a child of God. But don't take my word. Take His...
"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away." Song of Solomon 8:7a (NIV 1984)
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