Monday, January 3, 2011

Savannah Trip...We're home now!

City Market, the hang out!...

This house was built for twins, back in the day...wanted to be fair, huh?...

Old Texaco on the way to Charleston...

Fascinated with this lil' house, built in 1700-1800...515 sq ft, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, $249K...

Old Pirates House-old......1700's...

Paula Deen's first restaurant on Congress Street...

Old carriage houses, located behind garages...

Beautiful residences, Low Home...houses in the Historical District- $2.5K-5.5K...back in the day, these houses cost around $50K, and that was expensive. Cotton made families rich!

Jason and the pirate :)

Another home,

And another,



Forsyth Park, gorgeous,

Love the streets, oaks hanging over draped with spanish moss...

Love this screensaver...

At the end of this strip, was the dueling grounds... fight it out guys!

Paula Deen's new location/restaurant, just a little further down on Congress Street. The Lady and Sons restaurant... her store was located next door, which I had to visit several times...

Chippewa Square, this is where the bench sat for Forest Gump...

Old, old cemetary...spooky...

My favorite spot, pralines, candy everywhere...

Read, pretty the history in Savannah,

More than a dozen parks, easy to walk, you walk several blocks, you come to a park, walk several blocks, come to a park...we loved it. Stores, residences, tea rooms, people strolling, people walking their dogs...relaxed. I feel like I have been on a real estate trip...I absolutely loved the houses and even met a Realtor. I actually worked one of my contracts sitting on a bench in one of these parks... :)

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