Today's Verse, Luke 18:17
"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
You know I think about Layton when I think of this verse. He is only 2, but he already knows when we pray to "try" and close his eyes. Last night before dinner, Jason and I prayed, and I watched Layton. I had not asked him to close his eyes, but, he had shut his eyes (very tightly) and was peeking just a little. All I can say is precious. Today at lunch, I told him we were going to pray, and so sweetly, he clasp his hands together and closed his eyes. He did not close them for long, but he tried. That just goes to show you that teaching children when they are young, is so important. They believe without question, they believe without trying to be something they
are not, they just believe. Do you have that child like belief?
Sweet Layton! I can just see him with his little eyes shut tight and little hands clasped in prayer. I bet God is smiling over that little one!