Psalm 37:3
"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. "
How appropriate!~ This verse jumped off the page to me this morning, and I thought to myself, I need to memorize this verse. "DO GOOD, DO GOOD" Integrity, ethics, just do right, always!
Without going into the people that do wrong, and have done me wrong lately - I just believe God gave me this verse!
The picture, above, is the pasture that I look at daily, it was a month ago, and the pasture was not green, but I had snapped this picture of momma cow as she lay not many feet from my kitchen... I thought immediately of the pasture as I read this verse this morning. My road, Edna Lane-County Road 136, is where my life has unfolded since I was a wee little girl (Mother I know you like the word "wee"). Big memories and major life changes have occurred on this road. As I walked yesterday, I overlooked the 100+ acres, tears in my eyes, and thanked "my" God for blessing me so. This is my HOME, this is where I feel secure and this is my safe pasture!
No matter what, I will Trust in God and DO GOOD!
PS More pasture pictures to come-it is absolutely beautiful right now!
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